Spiritual Consulting

Unlock Your Mind &
Your Potential

Trying to go through your spiritual journey alone is hard because humans are wired for connection. At the same time, no one can create that spiritual, emotional, and mental shift in you. 

You have to find a path through the darkness and step into your divine feminine power — to get into the vibrant energy of your true purpose and live life passionately. 

The problem is that road can be long and bumpy, and without a map, you’re liable to get lost in the wilderness. 

With a map, you can cut through the weeds, find your stride, and make it out of the jungle to the top of the mountain in much less time. 

That's what one-on-one spiritual consulting does for you. The four pillar method, guided meditations, and some help from some other spiritual tools, acts as your map as you unlock your mind and your potential.

In each hour long session, you will…

Get a reading from an oracle or tarot deck

Channel intuitive messages from your spirit guides

Talk through the messages you receive.

Create healing and manifestation strategies that push your life forward and clarify your purpose.

Have a specific goal in mind?

You know that you want to manifest the love of your life or upgrade your career, but you feel like something is blocking you. 

With the four pillars, you will be able to identify the shadows and limiting beliefs blocking you from reaching your goal. Healing and releasing them and aligning yourself with everything you want to manifest. 

New to spirituality?

Learn how to dive deep within your mind to create a spiritual practice that enhances every aspect of life! 

Hear What Lex Has to Say…

This offering is to help you connect with your spiritual center and deep seeded shadows and beliefs.

It helps you uncover those messy bits you wish would go away and learn how to reprogram them.

Setting you up on a path of awesomeness. One of spiritual and material abundance (yes, they can coexist).

Think of a session with me as merging your practical human self with your woo woo, sparkly spirit!



30 Min



1 Hour


45 Min

Ready to get a spiritual consultant?

Click the link and book your first session.