How to Know Your Limiting Beliefs and Conquer Them!

Fall is in full swing, and for many of us, that means cooler weather, pumpkin spice, and fall leaves. We often find stages in nature in which shedding the old makes space for the new. Snakes shed their skin, leaves fall off the trees, and bears prepare for hibernation. But in fall, humans do none of these.

Instead, we spend time with family, eat holiday meals, and avoid uncomfortable topics that spark debate.

How do we develop limiting beliefs?

These types of family events are often a significant source of developing limiting beliefs.

Our family and culture can create a plethora of beliefs that stem from systemic issues and personal ones.

For many people in the BIPOC community, generational trauma is an all too familiar foe. It can lead to internalized racism, among many other mental health issues.

But generational trauma can be any trauma that is passed down and causes problems down the line. It can lead to internalized homophobia by route of religious dogma. It can become internalized misogyny or toxic masculinity by way of our patriarchal culture.

When we internalize these things, it doesn't mean we believe them. But they become unconscious assimilation in your consciousness due to your limiting beliefs.

You don't have to believe that you don't deserve love because you are gay. But when you have internalized homophobia, a little voice in the back of your mind tells you this. In turn, it affects your relationships with partners and with yourself.

But limiting beliefs don't have to relate to systemic issues. You can develop limiting beliefs about money from your parents' struggles with finances. Limiting beliefs about relationships can start because of your parents' difficult marriage.

These issues can cause you to develop several limiting beliefs, which can stop you from reaching your goals or even living as your authentic self. So, what can you do?

Before diving into releasing limiting beliefs, it's important to note the importance of shadow work. Shadow work is the foundation upon which we are best able to build. Doing shadow work will help you to identify and work through your limiting beliefs. Check out our post about that here.

Steps to Release Limiting Beliefs

Imagine you are flipping a house. You have some basic steps that you need to take to create a new beautiful home from the run-down one. First, you have to identify the problems. Then you draw up a plan. And finally, you execute the plan.

Well, to release limiting beliefs, think of it in the same way.

Question Everything

First, you have to identify the old beliefs that are holding you back. Question everything. Why do you struggle to manage your money? Why do you feel stuck in your career? Why do you feel uncomfortable in this situation vs. that situation?

When we begin to question everything, we start unraveling the ball of yarn that is our mind. We can see the direct connection between our feelings about love and what we saw or heard growing up.

Our ideas about who we should be and how we should feel, connect to pivotal moments and experiences in our lives. Once we see them, we can begin to understand them.

Rewriting Limiting Beliefs

Now that you see your limiting beliefs and why they are living rent-free in your brain, you can begin to rewrite them. You have to decide what you want to believe.

Journaling this out is a great way to rewrite your old narrative. You can get your thoughts out on paper to see and make sense of them. This plan might include developing affirmations to repeat every day. You can replace old phrases with new and improved ones. And read books that educate you and elevate your thinking.

Figure out what way your brain absorbs information the best. Are you an audio learner? Make a recording or find a song that can help you instill your new beliefs. Listen to some books or try a guided meditation.

If you are a visual learner, putting up notes of your affirmations might be a good plan of action. For some people, writing out your affirmations or new beliefs works well. And if you want to, do them all!

In addition to this, find more support that may help you create your new narrative. If one of your limiting beliefs is that you are bad with money, seek out something to help you develop new skills with money and rewrite your beliefs!

The same goes for any limiting beliefs. The more you learn, the better your foundation will be for change.

Affirm Your New Beliefs

Now that you have identified all your leaky pipes and developed a plan to fix them, it is time to take action.

Your beliefs didn't just develop overnight, and they are not going to change overnight either. You have to affirm them, which means seeing and repeating them over and over again.

This includes your thoughts, speech, and actions. You have to make a conscious effort to replace limiting thoughts. Also, changing phrases you say that relate to your limiting beliefs. So, no more saying to your friends that you suck with money, or you are going to die alone. Speak your new truth.

Read your affirmations or new beliefs every day, say them aloud, and strive to embody them in your choices. Read books that elevate your thinking on those beliefs.

The important part is to take action and do it regularly. This will help the new belief soak into your subconscious. Over time this will open up the door for new possibilities.

In conclusion, you need to remember that you do not have to live your limiting beliefs. You have the power to change your path. Just like the trees, you can shed your old leaves and enjoy the beautiful spring flowers that come after. You are making room for renewal and self-evolution. Through this, we can create the foundation for abundance.

If you need help on your journey to abundance, check out my offerings page to find out how I can guide you.

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