There’s a Problem With “New Age” Spirituality

What is “New Age” Spirituality?

Though the term “New Age” was first used in the 1960s, its roots can be found in ancient spiritual practices. Many of the practices associated with New Age spirituality, such as meditation, yoga, and astrology, have been part of Eastern spirituality for centuries. 

These practices were often seen as ways of connecting with the divine or attaining higher levels of consciousness. The 1960s saw a surge in interest in Eastern spirituality in the West, and many of these practices were adopted and adapted by Westerners. 

This period was also marked by a renewed interest in the occult and paranormal, with many people exploring spiritual paths such as yoga, meditation, astrology, tarot, and crystals. 

In the 1970s and 1980s, New Age spirituality began to become more mainstream. Books on the subject began to appear, and some spiritual paths, such as Wicca, started to gain greater acceptance. 

New Age spirituality was also a part of the hippie movement, as many hippies sought a more spiritual lifestyle. In the 1990s and 2000s, New Age spirituality became even more popular. Holistic health practices, such as aromatherapy, Reiki, and crystal healing, began to become more mainstream. 

Today, New Age spirituality is more popular than ever. Many people are drawn to its holistic approach to health and wellness, and its emphasis on personal growth and spiritual development. It is also becoming increasingly accepted in the mainstream, with many people exploring spiritual practices such as yoga and meditation.

“New age spirituality” is a broad term used to describe an emerging spiritual movement that is gaining more traction across the world. It is often characterized by an openness to new and alternative spiritual beliefs and practices, rooted in ancient traditions from around the world. 

At its core, new age spirituality is focused on personal growth and development, and encourages individuals to find their own spiritual path and practice. It is based on the idea that there is something greater than ourselves that transcends physical reality and can be accessed through practices such as meditation, prayer, and other forms of self-reflection.

You might be thinking, “But Lex, this all sounds great. What's the big deal?” 

Well as it happens, the New Age movement that was started by the free-loving, flower power hippies of the 1960’s and 70’s has since been adjusted to bend to the will of a late stage capitalist society that we now reside in as of 2023. The New Age movement started as a big F-U to the Man but has now morphed into a slippery slope of manipulation, power-grabs, and God complexes.

Let’s talk about how: 

Toxic Positivity

In recent years, there has been a major focus on positivity and personal growth in the world of New Age spirituality. While this is a great message to spread, it can also lead to a practice known as “toxic positivity”. 

We’ve all seen the Instagram posts and Pinterest boards filled with “Good Vibes Only” and mantras of “Love and Light”. While these slogans are beautiful, they have taken on a lot of nuance in the last decade. Some spiritual guides and practitioners have embedded in students and clients to “just stay positive” and everything will work out for them. Is it any surprise that when something doesn’t work out we guilt ourselves into thinking, “if only I were more positive.” This is toxic positivity. It keeps us from facing our fears and flaws and growing from their lessons.

Toxic positivity is the idea that one should always remain positive and never express negative emotions. This type of thinking can be damaging because it ignores the reality of life. 

Toxic positivity is often used to invalidate the emotions of others. It can lead to people feeling like they are not allowed to express their true feelings. This can lead to a sense of shame and guilt for feeling the way they do. 

Furthermore, it can lead to the suppression of important emotions that can be helpful in understanding and resolving difficult situations. Toxic positivity can also lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms. 

People may try to avoid their true emotions by engaging in activities that provide temporary relief, such as substance use or other forms of self-medication. This can cause long-term damage to physical and mental health.

By doing your shadow work and embracing your “divine darkness” and can become whole.

Shadow work is an important and often overlooked practice that can help us to become more aware, balanced, and fulfilled in our lives. The term “shadow work” was coined by psychologist Carl Jung to refer to the process of exploring, accepting, and integrating the parts of our psyche that we may have repressed or ignored. 

This includes our “shadow” or “dark” side—the parts of us that we may find unpleasant or uncomfortable to acknowledge, such as anger, fear, or sadness. Shadow work is about exploring and embracing all aspects of ourselves, good, bad, and everything in between. 

By understanding and accepting our “shadow”, we can gain insight into why we act or think in certain ways, and gain clarity on our own feelings. By integrating the “shadow” into our lives, we can become healthier, more balanced individuals. 

On the other hand, toxic positivity is the idea of pushing away or denying your negative emotions and thoughts in an effort to maintain a “positive” outlook on life. This often leads to a false sense of happiness and can be detrimental to our well-being. 

Toxic positivity can lead to an inability to process difficult emotions, avoidance of difficult topics, and even a lack of self-awareness. 

In comparison, shadow work encourages us to look at our thoughts and feelings in a non-judgemental way. This helps us to gain clarity and understanding of our emotions and motivations, which can in turn help us to make better decisions and create healthier relationships. By facing and embracing our shadows, we can create a sense of balance and peace in our lives.

New Age Spirituality Does Not Address It’s Classism

The concept of new age spirituality has been gaining more and more attention in recent years, but it has also been criticized for its classist tendencies. The idea that if you have money, you are closer to God or more divine is an idea that has been ingrained in many new age spiritual practices. 

This idea implies that those who are affluent are better off spiritually, or in some cases, more deserving of spiritual enlightenment than those who are less fortunate. This puts those who are not financially well off in an inferior position in terms of their spiritual development, which is an incredibly problematic concept. 

This kind of classism can be seen in many aspects of new age spirituality, from the way that certain spiritual teachings are marketed, to the way that access to certain spiritual experiences is often gated by class. 

Furthermore, this kind of classism can have real-world consequences. By creating a spiritual hierarchy that values those with money more than those without, this kind of classism can lead to feelings of shame and inferiority among those who are not financially well off. This can have a damaging effect on the spiritual growth of those who feel that they are not able to access certain spiritual experiences because of their economic status.

The New Age to Conspiracy Theory Pipeline

One of the main issues with new age spirituality is that it often focuses on a “hidden truth” or an alternate reality. This can lead to believers adopting a worldview that is based on fear and paranoia. For example, many new age spiritualists have adopted a belief that the world is controlled by a secret group of elites or that aliens are secretly controlling the government. This fear-based thinking can lead to a feeling of powerlessness and can even lead to dangerous behaviors such as stockpiling weapons and avoiding contact with the outside world.

The concept of spiritual warfare is particularly popular within New Age spirituality. This belief system proposes that there are unseen forces at work in the world that must be battled in order to maintain balance. These forces are often associated with dark entities such as demons, aliens, or even lizard people. This can lead to a distorted worldview where every event is seen as a sign of some kind.

Conspiracy theories have been around for a long time, but with the rise of the internet and access to information, they have become more and more popular. New age spirituality is beginning to be seen as a pipeline to these theories, as it can lead people down a path of searching for answers and meaning in the world.

New age spirituality can be a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the world around us, but it should always be done with an open mind and a willingness to question and explore. By doing so, you can create your own world view and stay away from the wild conspiracies that can sometimes arise from this type of spirituality.

New Age Does Not Consider the “Human Experience”

It has become increasingly popular in recent years to view spirituality as something that is beyond the physical realm and human experience. While this perspective is often seen as beneficial, it can also cause a disconnect between spiritual practices and the reality of life. 

New age spirituality often views the material world as an illusion and instead focuses on the metaphysical realm. This can give the impression that the human experience is not important or real. This idea can be dangerous, as it can lead to a denial of one’s own feelings, thoughts, and needs. 

Spirituality is not just about connecting with the metaphysical realm, it is also about connecting with the physical world and the human experience. It is about acknowledging the reality of life and its challenges. It is about being present and in touch with our emotions, thoughts, and feelings. It is about being mindful and compassionate towards ourselves and others. It is about recognizing our role in the greater scheme of things and finding our place in it. 

In order to truly benefit from spirituality, we need to be aware of the reality of human experience and the material world. We need to recognize the importance of both the physical and metaphysical realms. We need to find the connection between the two and use that connection to enhance our spiritual journey. 

When we deny the reality of the human experience, we risk missing out on the many benefits of spirituality. We risk missing out on the opportunity to grow and learn from our experiences. We also risk missing out on the opportunity to connect with others and find deeper meaning in our lives. 

The spiritual journey is an individual one, and it is important to be mindful of the physical and metaphysical worlds. We must recognize the importance of the human experience and use it to our advantage. Without acknowledging and respecting the reality of the physical and metaphysical realms, our spiritual journey will be incomplete.

As we move further away from traditional religious practices, many of us are turning to new age spirituality as a way to explore our relationship with the divine. While there are many positive aspects to this spiritual journey, it can also have a detrimental effect on our connection with the earth and our material reality. 

At its core, new age spirituality often focuses on the concept of transcending physical reality and connecting with a higher consciousness. This can leave us feeling disconnected from the tangible things in our lives, such as our environment, our possessions, and our relationships. We can become so focused on achieving spiritual growth that we lose sight of the beauty and importance of the material world around us. 

This disconnection from the physical world can also lead to an unhealthy relationship with money and material possessions. We may begin to believe that acquiring more wealth or possessions is a sign of spiritual progress, or that we should rid ourselves of material items in order to achieve a higher state of being. This can lead to feelings of guilt and shame when we purchase something for ourselves, or when we prioritize our financial well-being. 

It’s important to remember that the physical world is just as important as the spiritual. We need to be mindful of our connection to the earth and our material reality, and strive to find a healthy balance between the two. 

By grounding ourselves in the physical world, we can create a more holistic and sustainable spiritual practice. We can make space to appreciate the beauty of the environment, to cultivate meaningful relationships, and to honor our needs and desires. 

New age spirituality can be a powerful and transformative journey, but it’s important to remember that the physical world is just as important. We need to be mindful of our relationship with the earth and our material reality, and strive to find a healthy balance between the two. By doing so, we can create a spiritual practice that is in harmony with our environment and our own needs.

Spiritual Manipulation Among New Age Leaders?

The rise of New Age spirituality has been a welcome respite for many seeking spiritual guidance, healing, and a more holistic approach to life. However, there is a dark side to this practice that cannot be overlooked. 

New Age spirituality has been known to promote manipulation, power grabs, and a holier-than-thou attitude among its adherents. The manipulation of people’s spiritual beliefs to gain power and influence is a tactic commonly employed in New Age spiritual circles. This is done by appealing to the desire of individuals to feel special, to be part of something bigger than themselves, and to have access to secret knowledge. 

This can lead to a power dynamic where those in positions of authority within the group have an inordinate amount of influence over the decisions that are made. The “holier than thou” attitude that is often seen in New Age spiritual circles is a reflection of the power dynamics that exist. 

Those in positions of authority are often quick to judge and criticize those who do not adhere to their particular spiritual beliefs and practices. This can lead to a feeling of alienation and exclusion among those who do not fit the mold. (Cult vibes anyone?)

The manipulation and power grabs that are a part of New Age spirituality can lead to a breakdown of personal boundaries and a lack of respect for the individual. This can create an environment where those in power feel a sense of entitlement and are not held accountable for their actions. 

Ultimately, it is important to be aware of the potential pitfalls and to be mindful of one’s own boundaries and beliefs. By being mindful and aware of the potential manipulation and power grabs that can be found in New Age spiritual circles, we can create an environment where everyone is respected and encouraged to develop their own spiritual practice.

New Age Spirituality has a lot to teach us. There is so much unlearning and relearning that it can offer. However, like most things in life, it has to be consciously done. The intention behind our focus on the positive, asking for money for spiritual products or services, and our thought experiments and language around it all matter. Mindfulness is the key to knowing if you truly align with a New Age philosophy or using it to avoid your feelings, gain power, or manipulate others.


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