How Limiting Beliefs are Stopping You from Living Your Rich Life and Keeping You Broke

You want to live a rich life, right? Travel… buy a house… not struggle… But no matter what you do, you can’t break through to the abundance you desire. Limiting beliefs may be stopping you.

Does this sound familiar?

Money can’t buy happiness. Money is the root of all evil. I can’t make enough money to pay my bills. If only I were rich, I could do… 

This push-pull relationship with wealth is all too common and is rooted in your limiting beliefs about money. So it’s time to get real. Do you want to live your rich life, or do you want to keep doing the same thing over and over again until you die?

Limiting Beliefs About Money

Limiting beliefs can fly under the radar for a lot of your life. Then one day, you stop and think… Why do I feel this way? Why do I always do this? 

You start questioning things. Yes! Good! Keep doing that!

Your limiting beliefs were put in place as a defense. A means to protect you from disappointment and pain. Instilled by your parents and the world around you to keep you at their level, to protect you, or just because that was the belief that was passed down to them, and they are absentmindedly passing it on to you. 

No matter the reason, you can stop the drama. It’s time to pick up your magnifying glass and take a look at your limiting beliefs, why they are there, and how do you get rid of them so you can finally live your rich life. 

What did the adults in your life tell you about rich people or money growing up? 

Say a limiting belief you developed was that rich people are bad people. Your deep subconscious belief could look something like this…

Were they always bad people? They say money changes people. Maybe it changed them. I mean, money is the root of all evil, right? So the money must have turned them. Well, I’m a good person, and I don’t want to change that, so I can not make too much money. 

And so on, until you sabotage opportunities, refuse to make the choices you should be making, and limit your capabilities so you can stay small and “good.”

If you want to be on your way to living your rich life, whether that means a life full of travel or becoming an entrepreneur, or just being able to retire early and live out your days without worry. It all starts with thoughts and beliefs. 

Live Your Rich Life

If you are through with doing what you have always done. Done doing what everyone else is doing. Done with doing what your parents did and their parents before them did. Then it is time to rewrite those limiting beliefs. 

Creating lasting change within yourself so you can build the life of your dreams is hard work that takes consistency and accountability. That is why 98% of people stay in the same situation even when they don’t want to be in it. 

There are a few things you can do right now to start walking down a new path towards abundance and financial freedom so you can finally live your rich life.

First, gain some clarity. How do you feel about money and wealth? Why do you feel that way? Only after you completely understand something can you then change it. Going at this all willy-nilly will just land you right back where you started. Get clear on your thoughts and feelings and build from there. 

Second, make some affirmations! Affirmations are powerful. The same thing repeated over a long time becomes law in your mind. Your thoughts about money are not just going to change because you want them to. You have to actively reprogram your mind and beliefs. 

Develop some affirmations that align with your new and improved way of thinking. Something like, “money is the fuel to my abundance train.” Make sure it's something that creates emotion because we are emotional beings and emotions are energy. You have to shift it all to change from your current situation to the one you desire. 

Third and possibly the most important thing you can do is to stay consistent. All of this means nothing if you only do it for a week or month. These new beliefs have to be reinforced constantly and forever. 

Your thoughts create your beliefs, which influence your actions and shape your reality. Do not let these new thoughts of endless abundance go because once they do, the scarcity mindset that infects the world will slowly seep into your mind, too, and before you know it, you’ll be right back to where you started. 

Hold yourself accountable and make your mindset and energy work a non-negotiable habit. 

Spiritual Capitalism

Spiritual Capitalism is a uniquely Spiritual U concept. It combines Lex’s training as a manifestation guide, meditation coach, and trauma-sensitive yoga instructor with her formal education in modern economics, international development, and political science. 

It goes through each of the four pillars as it relates to your relationship with money and wealth. First, identify your shadows and limiting beliefs about money, then reframe those beliefs to ones that align with your rich life—supercharging it with gratitude and manifesting your dreams.

If you are tired of doing the same thing day after day and expecting different results. If you are tired of wishing you could travel, buy a house, start your own business… If you are ready to go from broke, struggling, and unhappy to be on the path to your best life. Then you need to check out this video Lex made! 

She recorded a free webinar on spiritual capitalism to help you start your path. Get a more in-depth understanding of it and how it can change your life. 

Click the link below to watch my FREE webinar on Spiritual Capitalism!



What is Manifestation?


How to Triumph Over Money Hang-Ups With Spiritual Capitalism Shadow Work