How to Triumph Over Money Hang-Ups With Spiritual Capitalism Shadow Work

How do you feel about money? Do you think it is the root of all evil? Or is it up on some idealistic pedestal and don’t believe you deserve it? Maybe as a spiritual person, you believe that having a lot of money takes you away from that divine spiritual force you hold so dear. 

Money hang-ups can limit you in every aspect of your life, but there is hope!

Spiritual capitalism is a Spiritual U concept that aligns your spiritual, cosmic self with the brighter side of the capitalistic structure of society. It’s a way for you to use material wealth for your highest good.

Through the four pillars of Spiritual U, you can heal and overcome the hang-ups or internal blocks that you may have with money and material wealth. Allowing you to achieve a level of material abundance that gives you the financial freedom to live your best life. 

The first pillar, Shadow Work, looks at what your hang-ups are. Once you shine a light on what is binding you to this level of capitalistic wealth, you can then take the steps you need to overcome them and triumph.

Money Hang-Ups

As you grow up, you are conditioned by society, family, and friends to have certain beliefs and even traumatize you in ways. These beliefs and trauma can cause you to develop shadows that limit your ability to achieve the level of success you desire. 

Let’s say your parents had money troubles that caused them to fight all the time. As a child, you can hear them yelling about money. You feel scared and sad and then begin to relate money to these feelings. If your parents end up divorced because of these money problems, your negative feelings towards money double. 

What about the opposite? What if your parents had tons of money? Maybe they are constantly working and use the money to buy their way out of feeling guilty for not spending time with you. Essentially buying your love. 

Material things begin to be a crutch for you to lean on when you are feeling lonely or depressed because you were conditioned that stuff makes all those bad feelings go away… well, at least for a little while. 

As a wealthier adult, you may feel like people only love you or want to be around you because of the money. Developing a lack of trust in others and making it difficult for you to find deep and meaningful relationships.

In a capitalistic society, material wealth can affect every aspect of your life. Shadows relating to material wealth and money can limit you in many ways, but there is hope, and there is a brighter side to capitalism.  

The Brighter Side of Capitalism

Growing up with negative or idealistic views of money and material wealth can create some serious shadows, but there is a brighter side to capitalism.

You can connect your spiritually abundant mindset towards capitalism and discover this bright side. It’s you who attaches meaning to money and possessions, after all. And you can attach greater and more spiritually aligned meaning to it. 

Money enables you to have financial freedom, alleviating financial stress if you allow it. It can give you the ability to give your time or money to causes that make a difference in the world or allow you to use your time to spend with those you love. 

Imagine what your life would look like if you had enough money to travel to the places you have always dreamed of. Or you could support a charity you believe in. What kind of amazing things could you do for those you love?

Once you can shift your view and heal those shadows, you can start on a journey towards martial abundance and create the life you truly desire. 

How to Start Spiritual Capitalism Shadow Work


Meditation is a powerful tool, especially when it is guided and targeted. While some programs ask you to empty your mind (yeah, right), a guided meditation will take you on a journey deeper into your consciousness. 

Shadow meditation can be uncomfortable, but it is a necessary part of the process. A meditation guide can help make that process a little easier to manage and get through. 

Shadow Work Journaling

If you have read any of the Spiritual U blog posts, you know that journalling is a pivotal part of your journey. 

Journaling allows you to see what is lying deep within you, shining a light on all your shadows and limiting beliefs. 

When working towards manifesting abundance, shadow work journaling is a vital step because you can’t fix what is wrong if you can't see the problem. 

Spiritual Capitalism

Over the last ten years, I have trained in vinyasa yoga, meditation, trauma-sensitive yoga, and as a manifestation guide. But my formal education is in international development, modern economics, and political science. No one in the spiritual world was combining science and spirituality, and there was so much potential for greatness in that. And so, Spiritual Capitalism was formed.

Spiritual Capitalism is a revolutionary concept that works to align spiritually, mentally, and emotionally with the brighter side of capitalism so you can use it to reach your highest good. 

In the Spiritual U, my Spiritual Capitalism webinar, we will dive deep into shadow work to help you uncover your money hang-ups and start on the path to wealth and abundance. 

Imagine no longer feeling stuck in life, struggling financially, working at a job you hate, and feeling unfulfilled. Imagine the giving you could do with financial freedom. 

This webinar is made to help you begin your journey by aligning your mind, body, and spirit with the material abundance you deeply desire. Spiritual Capitalism can set you up on a path toward abundance. 

If you are looking for a unique approach to manifesting money and creating the life of your dreams, it starts with an energy and mindset shift. Everything in your reality starts in your mind and with the energy you emit.

Learn how to shift your mind and energy in a direction that serves your highest good with my FREE Spiritual Capitalism Webinar. Click the link below to get it!


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