Spiritual Hygiene for the Winter Solstice & The Ultimate Spiritual Software Update

The New Year’s resolutions are just around the corner, and you’re ready to level up in the love, career, and spiritual departments. But you can’t level up your life without leveling up your frequency. 

Part of manifesting the life you’ve always wanted is becoming the person who has that life. And you can’t do that without addressing and integrating your shadows, letting go of your limiting beliefs, and tuning into a higher vibe!

So before you start making your New Year, New You resolutions, take some time for some spiritual hygiene and a winter solstice spiritual software update! 

This is your ultimate guide to updating that spiritual software. Through journal prompts, some TLC, and a little meditation, you will be able to do the mental and energetic work to overcome the shadows and release the limiting beliefs from the past year… or years… that have held you back. Then, align yourself with the higher frequencies of gratitude and manifestation.  

Spiritual Meaning of the Winter Solstice


What is the spiritual meaning of the Winter Solstice? It’s about standing still, reflecting, and the promise of new life. 

It’s a time when you might want to slow down, rest, and reflect on your year so you can get ready to kick some booty come spring. 

Although, I’m pretty sure the ancient pagans didn’t go into spring hoping to kick booty…

Truthfully speaking, we aren’t really meant to jump into this “New Year, New You” kind of mentality on January 1st… or in January at all. We are supposed to act like the trees do and use this time to rejuvenate and revitalize ourselves. 

If only, though, am I right?  I’ll take a three-month vacation!

Since that isn’t our human reality, realistically and culturally, look at January 1st as the day to make new intentions. Take the initiative to update your software and do the mental, spiritual, and energetic work we need to accomplish all your New Year intentions. 

A Time of Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs Before the New Year

There is a famous quote by Robin Sharma, “everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.” 

You have to believe something is true or possible to make it happen. Your thoughts create your beliefs, words, and actions, so if you go into the new year with the intention of finding love but think things like…

There are no good men… Love isn’t in the cards for me… Partners just end up breaking your heart…

Chances are you don’t believe you are worthy of finding a partner who is kind, deeply in love with you, and who won’t break your heart. So your actions to find love will be half-assed, and you might just say some really off-putting things on a date. 

You see, humans like to be right. So, if you have a belief that love isn’t for you, you’re most likely going to make that your reality. Even if you’re not consciously making choices to manifest that reality. 

On the other hand, if you release those limiting beliefs that kept you away from the love story you truly desire… if you start telling yourself things like…

I attract only the best men… I am worthy of the love I desire… I’m ready to have a loving partner who is kind, funny, and hot AF…

Then, your beliefs will start to shift. Maybe not right away. After all, developing that limiting belief took you a hot minute. It’s going to take time and consistency to decondition yourself. 

But soon, you will start to find these higher-vibe humans. The potential partners who are compassionate and emotionally available. 

It’s just like when you want to buy a Toyota Corolla, you start saving and planning on buying that Corolla, and all of a sudden, you see Corolla’s everywhere. Your attuning to your desires!

Manifesting a partner, a job that lights you up, or an epic spiritual awakening works the same way. 

You have to be ready to get rid of the old car and take action towards and align with buying the new car to get the car you want. So, let’s talk about getting rid of the old car or, in your case, your old programming so you have room to update your systems. 

How the Spiritual Four Pillars & Your Spiritual Hygiene Boost Your Update Potential

Whether you are a New Year's Resolution girly or a winter solstice witch, one thing is true across the board. You can’t welcome in the new without cleaning out the old which is why you have to do your spiritual hygiene

Just like weeding your garden, you’ve got to clear out the things that no longer serve your highest good to make room for the new seedlings you are planting for the next harvest. 

Shadow work and releasing your limiting beliefs are how you weed your spiritual garden and clear out your mental, emotional, and energetic space for newer and better things coming in. 

Shifting your frequency to something more abundant, like gratitude, is like adding some plant food to your watering pale. Giving you the juicy nutrients you need to grow tall and bloom. 

After all that is sorted, we manifest! Creating your vision is like sticking that little picture next to the seedling to remind you what you planted and how much attention it needs. Not to mention, it gives you an idea of what your seed will grow into with proper love and attention.  

Each step is important on its own, but doing all of them in order will give your spiritual update a supercharged boost. 

Spiritual Hygiene in Your Shadow Work

In the shadows live your fears, your darkness, and your pain. It’s a place most people avoid. After all, these uglier parts of ourselves can start to feel like untamable monsters over time, making it hard to face and yet all the more necessary. 

Your shadows are like a beach ball… stay with me here.

As you go about your daily life, swimming in the pool with others, you have a beach ball hidden beneath the surface. You push it down to keep it hidden. You don’t want to see it, and you definitely don’t want the others to see it either (it's an ugly beachball). 

Over time, your beach ball gets harder to keep down. Either you’re getting more and more fatigued as you push down your beach ball day in and day out, or that sucker is getting bigger. Either way, it’s getting harder to keep it down. 

You’re never going to be able to get out of that water until you take care of that ugly little beach ball. 

You’re never going to be able to have the life you want, the relationship, career, or spiritual awakening you want until you take your shadows out of the dark and murky waters of your mind and look at them in the light.  

This is where spiritual hygiene comes in. If you’re ready to get out of the water, which you know is just full of pee anyway, you have to bring that beachball with you. Through shadow work, you can deflate it and stick it in your bag. But you only get to that point by taking it out and looking at it. 

What do you think? Are you ready to get out of the pool?

Shadow Work Journal Prompts 

Okay, you’ve spent a long time with these shadows — making sure to shove them down really well. Maybe you even cover them up with lots of other shiny things to distract you if you get near. It’s almost like they don’t exist at all. 

But they still haunt you behind the scenes and mess with you getting the most out of your life. 

So, how do you get them to come to the surface? The most accessible answer is journaling. You know I’m a big fan of this! Sometimes, journaling can help you access things so deep inside that you don’t even realize consciously that they are bothering you. And oftentimes, once the floodgates open, it all just comes pouring out.

The problem is the opening part. So, here are some journal prompts to help you open the gates to the darker parts of yourself. 

Your prompts:

1.) Write a peace treaty to your fears or anxieties. 

2.) What does your dark side look like? Tap into your inner Darth Vader or Kylo Ren.

3.) What would make you feel safe in the world?

For a fully guided shadow work journal, click here

Spiritual Hygiene for Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs And Creating Your Reality!

Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.
— Gandhi

Your beliefs probably didn’t come from you. They probably came from social or cultural norms, your parents, influential adults from childhood and adulthood, relationships, or experiences. Your shadows are often deeply connected with your limiting beliefs

To paraphrase Gandhi, your beliefs affect your destiny and create your reality. 

So the good news is you have the power to change your destiny, to change your reality, by just changing your beliefs. You’ve always had the power to create realities, but believing in your limitations has stopped you from becoming the badass legend you are!

Letting go of your limiting beliefs and switching them out for something more expansive and aligned with your innate badassery is a turning point in manifesting a better reality. 

Time to get your journal out again, bestie! 

Limiting Belief Journal Prompts

Starting from where you left off when you journaled about your shadows, dive into your limiting beliefs. Hopefully, you got some hot gossip from your darker side, and the floodgates have opened up. So let’s stay with that and expand.

Your prompts:

1.) What boundaries am I not willing to compromise on?

2.) What limiting beliefs has social media placed on me?

3.) What were your major wins over the last year?

If you’re finding there are way more limiting beliefs that need your attention but need some more guidance, check out my guided digital journal for releasing limiting beliefs HERE

Affirmation Journal Prompts

Now, here is where we get to start having some fun! The last two bits were tough, I know. But, like I said, you’ve got to clear out the weeds to plant new seeds. 

Go back and read through what you wrote from the limiting belief journaling sesh. Can you lay out three core limiting beliefs? 

Your prompts:

  1. What evidence do you have that shows you that your limiting beliefs are NOT 100% true? 

  2. Why do you want to believe something different? 

  3. What are some of your gifts and talents you can lean on to instill new beliefs in yourself?

Work through these journaling prompts to get some new evidence to support your new beliefs. Then, write some affirmations that feel good and repeat them frequently. It’s time to start using that godlike power inside you and create your destiny! 

Tuning Into a Higher Frequency for the New Year

One of my favorite quotes is, what you focus on, you create more of. Your brain is literally designed for this, neurologically. You’re brain is just searching for those patterns and signs to prove you’re beliefs are right. 

The problem is, when you only see the shadows and limitations, the negatives and barriers, you can’t see the opportunities and possibilities. If you only see all the ways not to find love and think of all the reasons you can’t find love, you will never find love. 

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’re always going to get what you’ve always gotten. So, let's stop looking for these limitations and start turning them into something better. A higher frequency for the New Year! 

Gratitude… don’t roll your eyes… it’s literally the key! That’s why all the woo-woo people and even non-woo people won’t shut up about it. It’s one of those things that is so simple and life-changing and yet so hard to do. 

Gratitude taps you into that bright, glowy, abundant energy of attraction. I’m not talking about gratitude like going around the table at Thanksgiving and telling everyone what you’re thankful for. Thats cognitive. Logical. It’s a list of all the things you won’t be judged or shamed for as you all pass around the potatoes. 

No, the gratitude I’m talking about is like when you receive a gift on Christmas morning that you wanted so much but never thought would happen. It's that glowing warmth in your heart center. It’s the wonder and awe of the awesomeness of that gift and the feeling of being so loved because they got this for you. 

That’s the true energy of gratitude. The challenge is that as an adult, you’ve probably at least been encouraged to put away childish things — to dull your excitement so no one shames your judges you for being so… extra. But it’s in that childlike awe and wonder that we gain access to the heart center and to gratitude itself. 

Update your frequency by approaching all your blessings, past, present, and future, with the same exuberance and gratitude as a little kid on Christmas morning. 

Gratitude Journal Prompts

Reflection is a major component of the winter solstice… in fact, it’s a third of the battle. It’s about looking back on how far you’ve come, appreciating it, and using that to propel you forward towards where you want to be. 

So before you jump into your resolutions and manifestations for this next year, stop and reflect on your blessings from the past year. Not just the blessings you’ve received. Also, tune into gratitude for your accomplishments, the good things you’ve done, the hard things you’ve overcome…  all the things. 

Feel all the good that has come out of every situation and sit in the heart of gratitude for it for a while. Get all up in your feels!

Your Prompts:

1.) What have your emotions taught you over the last year?

2.) When did you stop believing in magic? How can you find it again?

3.) What is love to you?

To go deeper into gratitude and start a gratitude practice, check out my guided digital gratitude journal here

Manifestation Journal Prompts

Woohoo! We made it to planting the seeds. Bestie, I know this is a journey, and getting through each of the pillars is hard work. To be honest, you will probably have to revisit some things, and that’s okay. You’ve done great, and you are ready to channel your inner gardener… or witch if you prefer. 

Since “I want more money” isn’t much of a manifestation, let’s do some journaling to get the visionary juices flowing…

Your Prompts:

1.) If you won a billion dollars tomorrow, what would you do with your life? What would be your legacy?

2.) Write your memoir.

3.) What do you want to be remembered for 100 years from now?

For more in-depth guidance and more manifestation prompts, check out my guided digital manifestation journal here

Manifestation Ritual for the Winter Solstice


First, make sure you have gone over this whole guide up to this point. You’ve done all the journaling prompts, gained all the clarity, and made it through all four spiritual pillars. 

Since we are all unique, here are some options. Do the one that feels best for you and leave the rest. They range from non-woo to very woo. 

For the more analytical or non-woo person: 

It’s time to make a plan with heart. Put your ideas, goals, and manifestations on paper. If you are a visual person, get your Canva on, add lots of pretty pictures or maybe you want a mind map of them. Write up your plan of attack with micro steps, milestones, and check-in dates. And make sure everything you add makes your heart sing. 

For the woo-woo beginner: 

Light a candle and do some time traveling! Get your favorite pen and paper and write a letter to yourself from your future self. The future self that is living the life you’re manifesting. 

Make it present tense. After all, this is your future self’s current reality. And make sure it is loaded with emotion! What does your day look like? How does your life feel? How grateful are you to your past self for all the spiritual hygiene and updates? Get in your future feels and be detailed. 

For all my witches: 

Let’s tap into some magic! Start with a deep meditation. Light a candle (or more than one). You can do green for money, pink, or red for love… customize it to your manifestations! Get some bay leaves out and write one manifestation on each bay leaf. 

Then you can either put the bay leaf in a location relating to your manifestation (for money, put it in your wallet…), or you can take it outside and literally plant it. Find a nearby tree or just a patch of soil and plant the bay leaf of your manifestation. 

NOTE: Enhance every one of these by doing my winter solstice meditation!

Wrap Up

You’ve got the power to create the reality of your dreams. You just have to stop and deal with your shadows, let go of your limiting beliefs, tune into a higher frequency, and plant the seeds of awesomeness. 

And now you have the formula to start that journey and some extra resources to help you on your way. 

If you’re ready to go down the four-pillar rabbit hole and get individual guidance to make your manifestations a reality, book a Spiritual Consulting Session with me! 

Click the button below to book your 30-minute call! 

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