What Pluto in Aquarius Means for You & How To Manifest with It

pluto in aquarius

Pluto has officially left Capricorn, a sign it’s been in since 2008! It hasn’t come into the sign of Aquarius since the 18th century. During its last stint in Aquarius, the French and American revolutions took place along with the industrial revolution. It was a very revolutionary transit I'd say. 

On top of Pluto officially making landfall in Aquarius, we had a Pluto Cazimi (where Pluto and the sun did a little tango) during the transition — making Pluto's energy extra potent. 

Given that this is the only time anyone alive on this planet right now will ever experience Pluto in Aquarius, we decided we had better talk about it. Luckily, Pluto is a slow-burn kind of planet… that's not technically a planet anymore. 

Its transformational power will begin to take hold of an all-new house in your birth chart and, therefore, your life. So here’s your little rundown of this once-in-a-lifetime happening.

manifesting with astrology

Pluto 101

Pluto is the great transformer… no, not like robots in disguise…You can think of Pluto as kind of like the Phoenix planet of astrology. It is all about the cycle of death and rebirth, and it asks us to play the long game. 

It’s not one of those astrology events that you can feel right away in your life, like a mercury retrograde. This is a slow trickle, shifting the very core of the parts of our lives that it’s doing its work in. 

Its energy might be subtle, but its impact is powerful! No matter where Pluto is, it calls for us to dive deep into the darkness, deal with our shit, and step into our power. We can use this transit to our benefit by working with the area of our chart it will be transiting in and going through the spiritual four pillars to manifest the greatest changes and gifts possible.  

But first, we have to reflect on the impact it has had over the last 16 years to understand how to best move forward and manifest some atomic abundance during this new transit. 

Pluto in Capricorn

Globally, since 2008, Pluto’s been hard at work transforming big business, corporate power, and traditional economic structures. Capricorn is all about the self. It's the CEO energy, stubborn in its ways. Capricorn says, this is how we’ve always done it, and it's been working out for me pretty damn well, so why would I change it. 

Sound familiar?

Since Pluto has been in Capricorn, it has been working at transforming our fiscal, material, and structural systems. Like all things underworldly, it has shown us the true meaning of capitalism. 

Corporate greed is at all-time highs, the one percenters are working harder than ever to maintain dominance, and politicians are acting more politician-y than we’ve probably ever seen in our lifetimes. 

In these more recent years, it has shone a big ass spotlight on the economic, social, and political structures that are absolutely f***ing us all. 

You may have noticed a greater push towards progress and equally and a greater pull towards traditional values. Humans generally don’t like change, and those in power are deathly afraid of it, so as the collective has started pushing for change, many others have dug their heels in and tried to drag us backward. 

Now that Daddy Pluto has done his work in Capricorn, the groundwork is laid. And the red flags for those in power… they are flying! Enough of us have woken up to their BS to enter the next age ready for a revolution.

Pluto in Aquarius

Aquarius is all about the betterment of the collective. It’s the humanitarian. Aquarius energy looks at the information and sees in black and white how it affects everyone. It doesn’t allow its own biases to cloud its judgment and does what's right. 

As I mentioned before, the last time Pluto was in Aquarius, we had 3 different revolutions. And bestie, that was before the internet! Imagine what it’s going to look like now. 

Maybe we won't have to take up arms and fight the power like people did during the French and American Revolutions. Maybe we can use the power of technology and the power of the people to enact the changes that are so desperately needed. 

We will probably see more innovation in the areas of AI and how we use technology for the betterment of humans and, HOPEFULLY the planet, too. 

One thing is for sure… Pluto coming into the sign of the people and innovation will cause a massive transformation in the power dynamics of the world. 

Reflecting On How The Astrology Has Transformed You

Astrology, like most things, is clearest in hindsight. And the general horoscope is just a piece of the puzzle. You have a whole ass chart that determines the impact an astrological event has on your life. 

For example, if your second house (the house of resources and assets) is Capricorn, chances are you’ve transformed your mindset and systems around your finances since 2008. 

But maybe that hasn’t been such a major struggle. But if you have a planet like Saturn in a challenging aspect there, the last 16 years may have been a lot more intense financially.

That being said, the following is based only on your rising sign or ascendant because that is the aspect of your chart that determines your horses and their rulers. 

Fun fact… This is also why horoscopes are so often shrugged off and seemingly incorrect. Most horoscopes are written from the perspective of your rising sign, not your sun sign. 

If you don’t know your rising sign, you can get a free chart here. And for more in-depth information on how this and other transits might affect you specifically, you can book a call with me for a spiritual consulting session

How Did Pluto in Capricorn Impact You?

Below are each rising sign and how this transit may have impacted your life over the last 16 years. Grab your journals and start reflecting on the changes and lessons that have occurred in this area of your life. 

Aries Rising 

Capricorn rules your tenth house of career, reputation, profession, and public life. You may have had a tough journey with your career and public life. Maybe you’ve had a hard time determining what your career should look like. Or maybe you’ve struggled for a long time in one career but have recently decided to jump ship and shift your whole profession. 

Taurus Rising 

Capricorn rules your ninth house of travel, study, and spirituality. How has your worldview changed over the last 16 years? Hopefully, you’ve had ample opportunities to explore the world, your mind, and your spirituality. It was probably not one big ah-ha moment but a slow transformation of your beliefs over a long period of time. 

Gemini Rising

Capricorn rules your eighth house of death, mental health, and other people's resources. Have you spent a while now feeling like you are walking the tightrope? Like a constant power imbalance pulling you one way or another? I hope over the last few years, you’ve been able to cross over to more solid ground and have built a solid self-care and/or debt management system for yourself because you deserve to feel safe and secure. 

Cancer Rising 

Capricorn rules your seventh house of committed partnerships. I know boundaries are hard! But over this transit, hopefully, you've been hard at work learning how to set firm boundaries in your one-to-one relationships. If your friend or partner isn’t respecting your boundaries, it may be time to kick them to the curb and find someone who will give you the love and respect you deserve. 

Leo Rising 

Capricorn rules your sixth house of work and health. Power dynamics on the job may have been a battle for you during this transit. That may have affected how you take care of yourself. Your well-being is worth advocating for. Have you been able to create some work-life balance recently?

Virgo Rising 

Capricorn rules your fifth house of children, creative projects, sex, and pleasure. How has your creative life shifted since 2008? Whether that be in creating art or humans, this transit has probably shifted your process of creating, or your creative work has shifted you. 

Libra Rising 

Capricorn rules your fourth house of parents, home, and foundations. What have you learned about your roots over the last decade or so? Have you had some ah-ha moments about your upbringing or where you come from? And how has that shaped the person you are today? You’ve had the opportunity to dismantle outdated family systems and have stopped the generational trauma in hopes of building a better foundation for the next generation. 

Scorpio Rising 

Capricorn rules your third house of communication, daily life, siblings, and extended family. As the power dynamic between you and your extended family or daily life has been challenged, I hope you have been able to set some solid boundaries that respect the best flow of energy for you and have learned how to communicate your needs effectively. 

Sagittarius Rising 

Capricorn rules your second house of assets, resources, and livelihood. Have you had instances that have caused you to question how you manage your finances or build your livelihood? Since Pluto has been working hard in this house, hopefully, you have been able to build some rock-solid foundations because now that the Daddy of darkness is leaving this house, things should be flowing much easier. 

Capricorn Rising 

Capricorn rules your first house self, body, appearance, and vitality. How are you doing Capricorn? This transit might have been a tough one for you because you may have had to go through some hard realizations about yourself, which I know you hate doing. Don’t worry. The worst of it is over. Just keep working on that self-love practice. 

Aquarius Rising 

Capricorn rules your twelfth house of hidden life, secrets, sorrow, and loss. What transformation has occurred in the deepest and darkest of places for you? This time may have taught you where your true courage lies and brought you some acceptance for the things you can’t control. 

Pieces Rising 

Capricorn rules your eleventh house of friends, communities, and good fortune. You’ve learned some strong lessons in networking, building community, and where you fit into these groups. What was the greatest lesson you’ve learned about how and where you build your village?


Using Astrology to Manifest

Now that you have reflected on the house in your chart that Pluto has been in for the last 16, hopefully, you can see how you could have moved with the planet of transformation better to create a smoother rebirth and easier transition. 

That is exactly what I want you to do with this next part. The following is the area of your chart that Pluto has just arrived in. I encourage you to be mindful of how you move through this part of your life and use this transit to manifest your dream scenario. 

Aries Rising 

Aquarius rules your eleventh house of friends, community, and good fortune. This shift might affect how you fit into society or your communities. Taking time in solitude could be an unfamiliar remedy for the times that you feel like the black sheep of the group. Explore your independence and how you make an impact in the communities closest to your heart. 

Taurus Rising 

Aquarius rules your tenth house of career, reputation, profession, and public life. You might find yourself needing to step up in your professional life. As Aquarius is hell-bent on taking down corporate greed and bringing power back to the people, the world might need you to show up in new ways and help ground the companies you work for. Or you might just peace out and create something totally unique to you, leaving corporate America behind to fend for itself. Either way, expect some big transformations in the coming years to your professional life. 

Gemini Rising 

Aquarius rules your ninth house of travel, study, and spirituality. As a lover of learning, this transit will hugely impact how you see and understand the world. As a natural-born communicator, consider how you can bisto any newfound wisdom onto the world. Teaching, writing, and podcasting… might be some future endeavors to consider. But don’t worry if you have some imposter syndrome coming up because you have lots of time to learn, grow, and overcome any stage fright. 

Cancer Rising 

Aquarius rules your eighth house of death, mental health, and other people's resources. You’ve got some major life lessons coming your way over the next two decades. As the planet of death enters your house of death, don’t be scared. This is just extra Phoenix energy for you. Evaluate your people-pleasing tendencies and consider how you may be putting your ambitions aside for the sake of others. This is the time to set into your power! 

Leo Rising 

Aquarius rules your seventh house of committed partnerships. You may be stepping into a time of greater alignment with your long-term friends and romantic partners. Build stronger bonds with those whose values and ambitions match yours and leave behind those who don’t. You may also need to check in on your commitment to yourself and how well you take care of yourself. Prioritize quality time with those who matter most and who bring out the sunshine in you. Be sure to include self-care activities that help you be your own best friend, too. 

Virgo Rising 

Aquarius rules your sixth house of work and health. I know you love to help others, Virgo, and with this strong Aquarius energy, you may be tempted to double down on it. But for the love of Goddess, please pace yourself. Remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup. The world is going to need you through this time, so please prioritize your health. Get your sleep, eat your greens, and meditate for that extra couple of minutes, especially if things get a little rocky in your work life. Our systems are going to be changing a lot over this transit, and that might start a few fires in some industries. You don’t need to help everyone through the flames.

Libra Rising 

Aquarius rules your fifth house of children, creative projects, sex, and pleasure. Whether you’re creating a human or a career-defining work of art, your creative project will be incredibly impactful in your life. Releasing your limiting beliefs about what you're capable of and who you should be will be vital to making it through this transit smoothly and brilliantly. Be sure to make time for the things that give you the most pleasure because that will help fuel the energy of this transit in the best way possible. 

Scorpio Rising 

Aquarius rules your fourth house of parents, home, and foundations. You are no stranger to transformation, and it’s time to use your natural gift of death and rebirth to heal some major generational trauma and close karmic cycles. Take time to understand your roots and your ancestors, and be the transmuter of your family line. Build a better foundation for the generations to come. During this process, creating a home that feels warm, nurturing, and safe may be the extra dose of support you need to make this transit easier and more comfy. 

Sagittarius Rising 

Aquarius rules your third house of communication, daily life, siblings, and extended family. Get ready for some major shifts in how you think, speak, and learn! You have a unique ability to understand and teach complex thoughts and ideas. Enroll in a class or find a way to expand your knowledge so you can be the teacher and guiding light many of us will need during this transit. 

Capricorn Rising 

Aquarius rules your second house of assets, resources, and livelihood. Get ready to overhaul your finances! This transit has the potential to bring you great wealth, but you first need to address your stories and limiting beliefs around money and learn how to strategize your wealth expansion. Being more mindful about how you bring in money and spend it will be a simple but powerful step. 

Aquarius Rising 

Aquarius rules your first house self, body, appearance, and vitality. You are going to feel this more than any other sign as Pluto helps you transform and level up your life. But the road to self-actualization isn’t the easiest. Just ask a Capricorn rising about how the last 16 years of their life have gone. Things might get messy and hard here and there, but these waves of struggle will give you an upper hand in accomplishing your goals. Just make sure you maintain a solid support system with family and friends. 

Pieces Rising 

Aquarius rules your twelfth house of hidden life, secrets, sorrow, and loss. You’re coming into a time in which you will have to start being honest with yourself. Sometimes, the greatest secrets we keep are not from others but from ourselves. Being honest with yourself will help you break free from old toxic patterns and welcome a shiny new life path. 

Changes in these houses will happen whether you consciously participate in them or not. Resisting the change will hurt far more than the change itself. We all have an important part to play in how this transit reshapes and revolutionizes the world. ‘Cause let’s be honest… This world desperately needs a change, and fast. 

By aligning with the flow of the universe, we can use astrology to manifest the greatest possible outcome. Now, you have a clear understanding of where the transformation will take place and can actively participate in it so that you can build a way to thrive during this transit, and together, we can build something greater for everyone on our little blue marble. 

Enter your information below to get my free Pluto in Aquarius guidebook, and let’s bring power back to the people! 

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