The Amazing Science of Limiting Beliefs and How to Manifest Anything

Continuing on our How to Manifest Anything series, we covered shadow work, and now we are moving on to releasing limiting beliefs. 

Like we talked about in our original limiting beliefs post, you are trained to believe certain things. Your culture, society, media, family, and friends all influence your beliefs about what is true and possible. 

If you want to harness the power of manifestation, releasing your limiting beliefs is vital and the second step in your Spiritual U journey.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Oracle: I'd ask you to sit down, but you're not going to anyway. And don't worry about the vase.

Neo: What vase?[Neo turns to look for a vase, and as he does, he knocks over a vase of flowers, which shatters on the floor]

Oracle: That vase.

Neo: I'm sorry...

Oracle: I said don't worry about it. I'll get one of my kids to fix it.

Neo: How did you know?

Oracle: Ohh, what's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything?

—The Matrix

The reality we want and the reality we have are a product of a self-fulfilled prophecy. 

You are told you are kind and good. You learn and believe you are kind and good and follow the actions of a kind and good person. The same goes for if you are told you are bad. Many of your actions are absent-minded impulses mediated by your core beliefs. 

As you grow into adulthood, you are told many things that subconsciously shape your ideas of who you are and what you can achieve.

If you want to create your own future, you have to see it, believe it, then achieve it. Sounds simple enough, right? 

The problem is we develop limiting beliefs from a young age, and they get deeply embedded in our minds. Then you add on varying degrees of trauma, and these all influence your ability to manifest your future. 

…which is why we have three pillars before manifestation.

Your brain is essentially a computer. You have to download new software if you want to do more than you are currently doing. 

The Domino Effect of Belief

You can probably imagine how this goes. Your thoughts influence your words, which affect your actions and create your reality. 

Let’s say, as a kid, you wanted to be a rock star. Excited at your revelation and fully charged with rock music, you run to your parents and tell them all about your newly discovered vision of your future. 

They tell you that you can’t. They tell you that almost no one makes it, and it's not a stable career. You will most likely fail and fall into the wrong crowd. They burst your bubble, and you’re crushed. 

Sure, you still play around with the guitar. Maybe even play in the school talent show. But you end up going to school for something reliable and stable because that is what you have been taught is most important. 

You have a career as an accountant or something, you have a stable career and make good money. In the eyes of everyone around you, you are a successful person. 

So, why don’t you feel like it?

Because it is not what you wanted to do, it is what you were told you should want to do. External forces influence your thoughts from a young age and create a limiting belief about what you can do and what is possible. 

What if, instead, after telling your parents about your exciting dream, they said, “let’s make this dream a reality!” They sign you up for music lessons, let you have a Youtube channel or a band, and encouraged you to shoot for the stars. 

Instead of giving up on your dream and becoming an accountant, you go to school for music. Maybe you reach that dream of being a rockstar or find a new path and want to teach music, inspiring kids like the adults that inspired you. 

Either way, you may or may not reach your original dream. You may or may not have a stable and lucrative career, but you will have a sense of fulfillment. In many ways, you will be more successful in this universe than in the one where you were an accountant. 

Your beliefs about what you think you are capable of and what you believe is possible will directly impact your ability to manifest anything.

3 Ways to Release Limiting Beliefs


Reflection is the best way to identify your limiting beliefs and their origins. Determine where you want to go in life or who you want to be. 

Are your thoughts, words, and actions aligned with where and who you want to be? If not, ask yourself why they aren't and why your instinct was different than the direction you want to go. If you ask yourself why 3-to 5 times, you will get to the root of your decision and see it with clarity. 


Now that hindsight is truly 20/20, it is time to rewrite those limiting beliefs. Again, think of who you want to be and where you want to go in life. 

What would this version of you think? Since everything you say and do, starts with your mind, the mind is the first step in re-writing your limiting beliefs. 

Affirmations are a great way to instill a new mindset and begin the process of releasing limiting beliefs. You can also check out the Spiritual U Guide to Releasing Limiting Beliefs


It would be great to reflect, re-write, and just be this elevated version of ourselves, but unfortunately, it is not that easy. We need to go through this multiple times for it to truly become our nature, and consistency is key. So, reflect, re-write, and repeat!

Going through this process can be daunting and takes effort, but nothing worth having is easy to get. To start yourself on a path to abundance, check out my offerings page to see what plan fits you the best. If you would like to learn more, book a call with me and let's have a chat.


The Amazing Science of Gratitude and How to Be Happier and Manifest Anything


Amazing Science of Shadow Work and How to Manifest Anything