Amazing Science of Shadow Work and How to Manifest Anything

Let's be honest… Shadow work is hard(more on that here). You have spent a long time avoiding and hiding these demons, and now I’m telling you to face them. I can hear you saying “F that” already. 

I don’t emphasize shadow work because I want to see you suffer. I stress it because I know firsthand how vital it is for you and your ability to manifest anything you desire. 

There is literally a science to it! 

The science of shadow work

We all have trauma, and trauma is a spectrum. Not all trauma is the same and it affects different people to different extents. When we remove the socially imposed judgment of trauma, we can see how these events in our life have created our shadows

When you think about your constant sense of being a disappointment to a parent, a little voice inside might say… “At least they never hit me” or “I’m being dramatic, I should just get over it.” This is socially imposed judgment that has told you that your feelings are not valid. 

If your feelings of never being good enough have been a constant struggle in your life, then that sense of being a constant disappointment to your parents could be the root of that shadow. 

Only through working through this darkness can you experience the full potential of your light. 

Your shadows will impact your limiting beliefs about yourself and what you think is possible and create a confirmation bias that affects your ability to live the life of your dreams.

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is where evidence meets belief. If you believe you are a disappointment or never good enough, you will only see the things that confirm this. 

Eventually, you will get what you think you deserve. Whether through energy or action. Some people with this shadow end up in toxic relationships or dead-end jobs, and others become perfectionists riddled with stress and self-inflicted suffering. 

Your shadows directly impact your ability to thrive. 

It is only through conscious awareness, and perhaps some guidance too, that you can look at these shadows and realize that they are not true. You need to consciously work through them with a non-judgmental eye and see them for what they really are. An anchor!

Shadows like these are very common and affect the way you see yourself at your core. Often developing into many limiting beliefs and preventing true abundance. 


Your self-concept is simply how you see yourself, your abilities, and your behavior. How you see yourself impacts your motivation, ideas of what is possible to achieve, and influences your behaviors and the behaviors you accept. 

You are taught from a young age what your abilities are. When you have a bullying parent, the beliefs they imposed on you about who you are and what you should do, seep into your consciousness. As you grow this can develop into your self-concept.

Fast forward to adulthood, your shadow and beliefs turn into; you’re not taking that interview or you’re accepting less money than you deserve because you don’t believe you’re good enough. You deal with a bully at work because it’s so familiar. After all, you have lived with a bully your whole life.

We often stick to familiar personalities in our life without realizing it. So, if you had a parent who told you that you were never enough, you may be inclined to find a partner who gives you the same message. 

You believe you are not enough, and they confirm it for you. Further confirming and trapping you in this false reality.

Ideal Self 

You know when you see a person who is confident and wish that was you? Or someone who has a trait that you wish you had or who has achieved something you wish you could achieve. Then you get that ache in your heart. 

That ache in your heart is a siren call from your highest self. Telling you that that is your truth, that is what is possible, and everything you have been fed and keep feeding yourself are lies. 

Your ideal self is your highest self. Your true self that lives beyond those lies. However, the only way to reach this person is to do the work.

Your First Step to Manifesting Anything

You have to tap into your conscious awareness and understand your shadows. Understand what happened, feel everything you have been avoiding, and see the truth of each shadow. 

When I do shadow work with you, I help you discover those parts of yourself. I help you move beyond this fear-based reality toward your highest self.  There are all sorts of behaviors and habits that form from these shadows that we will look at together, so you don’t have to face them alone. I guide you through the darkness towards a place of healing light. 

The only way to reach your highest self, the person achieving their dreams and living in true abundance, is to destroy the demons that live in those shadows through compassion and understanding. 

If you’re ready for a transformation in your life, to manifest anything you desire, and work through the shadows that are holding you back, click here, and let's chat.

Manifesting abundance is within your grasp! You deserve love, wealth, and happiness. You deserve to achieve the goals that you have worked so hard for. 

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The Amazing Science of Limiting Beliefs and How to Manifest Anything


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