Manifesting Abundance: A Guide For Getting What You Want

Manifesting abundance into your life may have sounded impossible before. Once you have done your shadow work, released limiting beliefs, and refocused your mind with a gratitude practice, you are ready for manifesting abundance! Here is how!

The law of attraction plays a huge role in manifesting abundance. It is mentioned in our gratitude article too. In a nutshell, the law of attraction is that when you genuinely want something, and you are not limiting yourself with disbelief, the Universe delivers. When we are manifesting abundance, we are tapping into that universal law of attraction.

How to manifest something by writing it down:

One method to manifest abundance is to keep a manifestation journal. By writing down what you want, you send the Universe that you are ready to receive it.

When you write down something you are manifesting, write it with conviction. Like it is about to happen, or it has already happened. None of this timid, "oh, please universe, if it's not too much trouble, could I please…" crap!

You are a powerful and confident being, and the Universe likes clear and direct info.

Clear information! If you have more personal details relating to what you're manifesting, use it. The Universe likes clarity.

Manifestation Ritual

Many things that we want to manifest are more elaborate and take many steps, such as growing a successful business. A manifestation ritual is a great way to ensure your success.

You may choose to do your manifestation ritual daily, on the new or full moon of each month, or once a week. It depends on you, your time, and what you are manifesting.

You can use crystals for manifestation. Pyrite and Citrine are great for manifesting money and business success. Rose quartz and rhodonite are good for manifesting love and healing heartbreak. Clear quartz is an excellent crystal for gaining clarity of your dreams or desires and may aid in manifesting health. I include crystals in all of my bundles because their energy is powerful in meditation.

During your manifestation ritual, you can meditate and visualize what you desire with your crystals in hand.

Some people like to write down what they want and burn it or bury it. If you do, please do so responsibly. We don't need you burning the house down.

Vision Board

If you see it, you can be it. Our brains think primarily in images, so vision boards help us visualize receiving what we want. Vision boards not only help us manifest our goals, but for the out-of-sight-out-of-mind person, a vision board can be a helpful tool for keeping us on track toward our vision.

Vision Board Checklist

  • Use Images! Clear and inspiring images for each manifestation. You can use more than one picture if your goal has more than one step or if you can't choose which image parts inspiration and excitement more. Use both! It's your vision board.

  • Put it on something sturdy like a poster board.

  • Put it up somewhere where you will see it every day

  • Have a clear idea of the big picture

  • Make it cute! It should invoke positive emotions (inspiration, happiness, determination). So, decorate it with stickers or create a nice border. This is your manifestation art project! Make it art!

  • Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based) goals! Make sure your goals are specific. It will help you follow a clear path and give the Universe the details it needs for manifesting it.

Your goals should be measurable. You should have a way to show that your manifestations are developing or that you are achieving your goal. They need to be attainable, but this does not mean you have to lower your dream bar.

You can shoot for the stars but having smaller attainable steps help you to keep your inspired momentum going while working towards your bigger dream. They need to be relevant to your actions and have a realistic timeframe to be manifested.

How To Manifest Wealth

While you are going through the four pillars, especially releasing your limiting beliefs. Think about what your core beliefs about money are.

Do you fundamentally believe that money is the root of all evil? Do you believe you are bad with money because your parents were bad with money?

These beliefs can be blocking your ability to manifest wealth in the long run. To manifest wealth, you must have a good relationship with the idea of wealth. That positive energy goes a long way.

You also need to believe that wealth is coming to you and demonstrate to the Universe that you are aligning your words and actions on manifesting well.

If you don't put in the work, then why would the Universe? When you and the Universe align towards the same vision, you will achieve your goals.

How To Manifest Love

Much of the same information applies to manifesting love that applies to manifesting wealth.

You need to address your limiting beliefs on love and relationships. Do you believe you are unworthy of unconditional love from a partner? Do you believe that most relationships end in heartbreak?

Once you release your limiting believes and begin to create new beliefs rooted in positive energy, you can then focus on manifesting the unconditional love you deserve.

Undoing your limiting beliefs about love can be one of the most challenging beliefs to rewrite. If you are looking for more support on manifesting love or releasing limiting beliefs click here and let's chat.

Manifesting abundance is within your grasp! You deserve love, wealth, and happiness. You deserve to achieve the goals that you have worked so hard for. With this guide and the four-pillar method of manifesting, there is nothing you can't do!

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