The Mirror of Your Truth: What Is Aura Photography, and How Can Aura Readings Help You?

Aura photography columbus ohio

Aura Photography is a reflective practice. It’s a way you can get an inside look at your spiritual self or subconscious mind. It’s like feeling something on your face and looking into the mirror to realize you have some cake icing smeared on your cheek or a spider crawling toward your eye. Once you see what is there, you can act accordingly. 

One of Spiritual U’s most popular services is Aura Photography and Readings. Since these services must be done in person, Lex does aura photography and intuitive aura readings at Paloma in Columbus, Ohio. 

After thousands of sessions over the years, she has experienced firsthand the transformational benefits of aura photography, especially with a skilled, intuitive reader. 

Aura photography acts as a mirror. Clients often report that it validated something they already knew deep down but needed someone else to confirm it for them. The truth is that you have powerful, intuitive gifts, and sometimes, you just need to hear validation from somebody else. 

One of the most profound gifts an aura reading can give is that validation and clarity on your next steps forward. 

In this post, you're going to learn some of the basics of aura photography, how it works, and how to read it, plus, read Lex’s story on her journey with Aura photography. 

What Is Aura Photography

Aura photography is a form of photography that captures the energy fields surrounding your body, AKA your aura. 

It uses specialized equipment that reads the electrical impulses emitted by your body and translates them into a colorful image. The particular camera setup used at Paloma was designed by Guy Coogin, the OG aura photography creator. Only about 20 of his cameras are still in existence. 

Each color in the image corresponds to a different aspect of your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual state. Aura photography is often used as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth, helping you gain insight into your inner self and connect with your intuition.

How Does Aura Photography Work

How Does Aura Photography Work

If you come into Paloma for an Aura Reading with Lex, you can expect to sit in front of this big blackboard and place your hands on the metal plates that measure your energy. You’ll get your photo taken, and Lex will walk you through what your aura is saying. 

Sometimes, channeled messages come through, and some oracle cards are needed. While this extra intuitive part is not standard practice for aura reading, sometimes, things just need to be said!  

How To Read Aura Photography

How To Read Aura Photography

Some basic color meanings and placements can give you guidance on what your photo means for you; however, having an intuitive reader can help you understand more clearly. For example, if you have a color in your spirit arch or above your head, you may be drawing energy in, such as Universal energy, abundance, or calling your power back. 

The right side of your aura photograph is your feminine side. This is your internal energy, reflecting where you’ve been and how you feel. Colors on this side of your photo can indicate a recent emotional event. Lots of green on the right side of your photo (the left side of your body) could mean you’ve recently healed some emotional wounds or made a loving connection with someone. 

The left side area of your aura photograph is your masculine side. This is your doing side, your external energy, and the direction you're heading. Colors on this side of your photo can indicate things coming in. Lots of green on the left side of your photo (right side of your body) could mean you have some money coming in. 

Directly above your head, you have the mental arch, which is all about your cognition and consciousness. It can tell you how active your mind is, whether you're working on a lot of projects, and how you’re speaking to yourself. It can also give you a peek inside your nervous system. 

Farther above your head is the subconscious arch, which is connected to your dreams and sleep. 

Your spiritual arch is at the very top, the colors highest above your head. This is the area of cosmic information. This is where you find out what is being called in for you and even what your soul has signed up for in this lifetime. You may also see your manifestations coming in through this area of your aura photo. 

The colors and their locations in your aura photograph can tell you a lot about where you are in your life. They can give you clues to stay on a path, when a path might be diverging, or if something is blocking your path. 

An intuitive reader can give you channeled messages or, like Lex often does, pull oracle cards to gain more clarity and details about a specific area of your aura. 

Color Meanings of Aura Photography

Color Meanings of Aura Photography


The color of passion, like the root chakra, it can indicate excitement or a strong, grounded energy like a mountain. However, having a lot of red in your aura could also mean you are protracting yourself. Maybe you are on your guard for some reason and need to welcome in some playful or healing energy. 

If your aura is very red, you may be a strong-willed go-getter ready to manifest by moving mountains. 


The color of child-like confidence and free-flowing creative energy is connected with the sacral chakra. Orange has very Venusian energy to it. It’s all about beauty, creativity, and divine feminine energy. 

Having a lot of orange in your aura is more on the rare side because most people are not connected to this abundant child-like creative freedom. 


This is the color of confidence, similar to the solar plexus chakra. Yellow is empowering leadership energy. You may feel confident within yourself or be able to give confidence to others. If yellow is in the spirit arch of your aura, this could mean that you are calling your power back from someone who has taken it from you. 

Yellow in your aura can vary more than many other colors based on the location it’s in, so if you have a lot of yellow, having a skilled aura reader will be very helpful. 


If you have a strong heart chakra, you may find a lot of green in your aura. Green is the color of abundance, and having green in your aura can indicate money, growth, or a job promotion coming your way. It could also mean there is emotional abundance in some way. Perhaps you’ve been healing from past hurts, and all this loving green energy is depicting that. 

If you have green in your head or spiritual arch, it could mean that you are very connected to Mother Earth and are really in tune with its spirits. 

Light Blue or Turquoise 

Lighter blues are connected to the throat chakra and could mean that you speak your truth very expressively, or maybe you're just a chatty little Kathy. Maybe you’re a singer, a social media influencer, or a skilled communicator. 

If it is found in your head area, it could mean that you are speaking to yourself kindly and you are reaffirming yourself. 

Dark Blue or Indigo

Indigo is a very intellectual color in an aura, but it could also mean you have a lot of wisdom to share. Similar to purple colors in your aura, dark blue can indicate that you are highly spiritual because it is connected to the third eye chakra. 


If you see a lot of purple in your aura, you may be a spiritually creative person who can channel messages or creative things from Universal Energy Flow. You could also be highly meditative with an open crown chakra. 

Purple is also very connected to the nervous system, so you may be able to feel the energy of others. 

Magenta or Pink

If you have a lot of magenta or pink in your aura, you could be here for a very important reason. You’re a rebel, free-spirited, or activist who came here to do some serious work in the systems of this planet. You’re deeply connected with your inner child and are deeply spiritual or passionate. 


Having a lot of white in your aura can be both a blessing and a curse. Because white is a highly vibrational color, it could mean that you are very connected to spiritual energy, have a very pure heart, or have pure intentions. 

It could also mean that you are highly sensitive to the stimulation around you—think white noise. You could be dealing with a lot of big feelings like grief, guilt, or shame. 

Ultimately, with this white energy, you are capable of really raising your consciousness and connecting with Universal energy. 

Tan or Gold

This is the color of alchemy! When you see tan or gold in your aura, something major is changing within you. Something new and transformative is brewing. You may see this during times of major life transitions, like during your Saturn return. 

How Can You Use Aura Photography For Spiritual Growth

After each session, there are action steps you can take to connect deeper to your spirituality and even use it to guide you toward healing. It could be as simple as journaling about your reading and experience to tap deeper into the intuitive hits you've received. Or it could be to meditate to strengthen your intuitive gifts. 

For parents, it could give you guidance on something your child is going through and help you consider how you can best support them. Yes, we do readings on kids sometimes! If you’re ever wondering what's going on with your teen, maybe bring them in for an aura reading to get some guidance for you both! 

Sometimes, it can even indicate that you need to seek professional support for something deeper you're struggling with, as was the case for Lex.

Lex’s Aura Photography Story

For me, this experience felt more like the spider on my face than cake icing. When I first started taking my aura photo, there was so much deep red. There is nothing wrong with red. It’s a passionate color but can sometimes represent very heavy emotions, which was how it manifested in me. 

Over time, I continued along my spiritual journey, trying to heal my wounds, integrate my shadows, and connect with my inner child. I would start to see some changes: colors breaking through the stubborn red hues, sometimes a little peeking out of blue or white, and, on a few occasions, magenta, which represents my inner child. 

I began to realize that my inner child needed more attention. She was hurt and incredibly angry, causing her to metaphorically barricade herself behind thick walls of protection. She wouldn’t talk to me or let me help her, and this prompted me to seek therapy. 

Through my time in therapy, I continued to take my aura photos and could see how my subconscious mind was changing. I would start to see little changes and little movements around my reds. I might get a dash of orange or more magenta. It would show up more bright one day and it would be heavier the next. But then, I was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

From there, I was able to take steps to do some major healing work. To not just close myself off but actually assert boundaries. Then, my deep red walls started to come down in my aura. I would see dashes of yellow come in and then aspects of bright blues. Sometimes, my heart would light up. And then, sometime coming into 2024, the transformation really happened. 

Through reading my aura photography, I was able to look into the mirror and see that spider crawling on my face. That feeling deep inside was visible and propped me to take the action needed to make a profound change in my life. It’s also helped me release control and move with the flow of the Universe to transform myself over time. 

Lex’s story demonstrates the profound transformation that can occur when you get regular aura readings and follow its guidance. If you’re looking at getting an aura reading done, check out the events page to see when you can come to a reading from Lex at Paloma. 

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