2025 Guide To Manifestation: How To Manifest + Manifestation Rituals

how to manifest

It’s the New Year, and your mind is whirling in possibilities! At the base of your thought spiral is how to manifest the life you desire. 

In this guide, you’ll get the rundown on how to manifest a soulmate, about manifesting money, and learn about the law of attraction and the law of assumption. Plus, practical manifesting tips and an easy-to-use manifestation ritual so you can start your new year with powerful, life-changing intentions. 

You may think you’ve heard it all before. Maybe you think manifestation doesn’t work for you, but try this before you give up! Because everything in life starts first in your mind before it appears in the physical world. 

The Law of Attraction & The Law of Assumption

You can’t fully understand manifestation without getting a brief overview of at least these two universal laws. The Law of Attraction is essentially like attracts like. The Law of Assumption is essentially Lucky Girl Syndrome. 

Need more? 

When you put good out into the world, good things come back to you. But putting good out into the world doesn’t just include your actions. It’s also your words, thoughts, and energy as well. If you think positively, you're more likely to experience life positively. That’s the Law of Attraction. 

Belief is the other component of manifestation, which is the core of the Law of Assumption. There is a reason representation is so important for children — why more girls got into science when they say women in the field. For humans to accomplish something, you first have to believe you can. For those girls, they didn’t believe it was something available to them until they say it. 

However, the Law of Assumption basically says believe it, and you’ll see it. If you have belief, you’re halfway there. Lucky Girl Syndrome is just believing that good things happen to you. 

How to manifest a soulmate

How to manifest a soulmate

Now, onto the most common things people try to manifest. First, how do you manifest a soulmate?

Well, there is a whole blog post about this, but the Spark Notes version…

You have to embody the version of you that has your soulmate. That means healing your heart and doing the shadow work but also doing the things you envision doing with your soulmate. If you imagine going out dancing every Saturday night with them, go dancing every Saturday night! 

Like with any manifestation, you also have to hold your vision of what you want in a partner while balancing it with an openness for the Universe to surprise you with what you need in a partner. 

Remember, the Universe has a birds-eye view and will sometimes say, “Yeah, I know you want a golden retriever boyfriend, but what you really need is this Taurus with a cancer moon. Trust me, and thank me later!” 

How to manifest money

how to manifest money, manifesting money, manifestation

Manifesting Money is another hot topic for manifestation. Whether you’re manifesting a car, a soulmate, money, or your dream job you have to maintain belief, optimism, and vision during the whole manifestation process. 

But here’s the big secret to manifesting money…

Money is the energy of trust, which is the opposite of scarcity.

I know you’ve always heard that abundance is the opposite of scarcity, but trust is sitting right there next to it because you can’t have a high vibration of abundance without trust. 

Trust is a huge component of any manifestation because it is a balance of belief that your manifestations are happening(law of assumption) and faith in divine timing. So when that $10,000 doesn’t come in on YOUR timeline, have trust, hold onto that vision and vibration, and know that divine timing will ALWAYS have your back. 

Manifesting Tips

All of this information is great, but they don’t mean a heck of a lot if you forget about it or give up on them. How many times have you started a New Year's resolution to just fizzle out by February? Most years? Every year? (There’s a reason for that! Read more here)

So whether you’re looking to just make one resolution stick or you’re out to manifest the shit out of this year, these simple tips just might be exactly what you need to make that happen. 

Regular Vision Quests

Okay, that sounds fancier than that is. One of the biggest obstacles that stand in the way is a busy life. You get wrapped up in all the adulting that you forget to daydream. Before you know it, it’s been six months since you last thought about what you want to manifest. 

So, take regular vision quests with your manifestation to keep it fresh in your mind. That could be a daily meditation to visualize your manifestation. Maybe you just look out your window on your lunch break and think about it. Journaling is also a great option. 

Once a day, once a week, or once a month… the more regularly you can visit your vision, the better. 

Watch Your Words

Words are where the magic happens, which include the words in your head, the words that you speak, and the words that you hear. 

If you’re watching a bunch of doom and gloom TikTok, that negativity is going to circulate in your mind. If you keep telling yourself all the reasons why you’ll never find your soulmate, you’ll prove yourself right. If you keep telling people you’re broke AF, you will continue to be broke AF. 

Change your words to change your world. 

That doesn’t mean you have to fall into toxic positivity. There are real horrors in the world, but you don’t have to solve them or hold space for all of them. If the same narrative keeps cropping up, maybe it's time for shadow work, to release limiting beliefs, or even therapy. Sometimes, you’ve got to get rid of (or process) the old before you can bring in the new. 

Get Heart Centered

If you want a mind-blowing manifestation to come in, you’ve got to get out of your head and into your heart. The heart is where we manifest from. Our mind is just the wonderful supporting actor to our heart's radiant shine. 

If you’re a person who has a tendency to overthink, this couldn’t be more of THE tip for you. 

Start a gratitude practice, get into the whole Lucky Girl Syndrome thing, or just sit in silence and consciously bring your awareness to your heart every day (or as often as you can manage because perfectionism is stupid, but consistency is key). 

Manifestation Ritual

manifestation ritual, how to manifest, manifesting money, manifestation guide

For those who want something more significant that they can do every day, here’s a manifestation ritual that you can do daily. Do this in whatever sequence or way that resonates with you. 

Start your day off (or whenever fits your schedule best) with a manifestation meditation. Here is a free one Lex did for our 2024 manifestation challenge.

Then, journal about your experience, manifestations, or what shadows and limiting beliefs came up for you that need processing. 

Finish it off with some heart-centered affirmations with intention. Put them in the present tense, keep them rooted in gratitude, and use them to embody your manifestations. Here are some examples… 

  • To manifest a soulmate: “I am surrounded by love, and I’m so grateful,” + feel your heart swelling with gratitude for the love in your life. 

  • To manifest money: “I know I can trust money because money always flows to me and through me,” + feel the abundance of trust in your heart and gratitude for this relationship with money. 

  • To manifest anything else: “I always attract (manifestation) because I’m just that damn lucky and I’m so grateful for (manifestation),” + trust and gratitude.

With all the content out there in the world, manifestation can be confusing, and sometimes perfectionism can get in the way of the heart of manifestation. By using the law of attraction, the law of assumption, and tapping into the trust that comes with divine timing, your manifestations will come to fruition. 

And if you need any help along the way, Spiritual U has got you!


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